Tips to keep chickens out of the goose house

I buy Nature crest NON GMO layer it also comes in Starter for babies and 6 way scratch grains no soy or corn both NON GMO. Greek oregano is a natural antibiotic and I have read several reports of feeding this to poultry. I have 2 Runner females that I thought were getting ascites and both are doing real good since I’ve been adding the Dried Greek oregano I am also going to plant some this spring the Nutritionallyest I but is brand by name NOW I buy off of eBay 10lb at a time since I have 28 birds plus I use it. I mix my feed at for every 8 cups of feed in a bucket I add 2 cups of grains mix real well before putting into feeders. This feed comes out of Alabama. I am so thankful they deliver up here in the mountains I don’t have much choices for feed and I wanted to feed my birds NON GMO.
This happens to me too!But its with my ducks. When I left the turkey door slightly open all of them push the door open they start trying to break the eggs! I remember when i had my broody turkey in the turkey coop she attacked a duck when i tried to separate them she pecked me and walked backed to her nest!..
My geese are separate from my ducks and chickens. But I had to figure how to keep the chickens from eating the expensive Mazuri waterfowl feed that my ducks eat. It is not the proper nutrition for a chicken. It floats ( the waterfowl feed) so I put some in a bucket of water and place the bucket in the center of a pool. Voila now only ducks can get it. You need a deeper water basin in a narrow fence way that’s big and deep enough for chickens to be deterred. I hope you can find a way!
I have tried everything and I am beyond frustrated. The chickens go in and destroy the nest that The Geese so carefully cover every time they get off of the eggs. They lay their own eggs in the goose nest, which are then stepped on by The Geese and broken everywhere. They fling the goose eggs all over the place where I nearly step on them too. I put a water pan (30x32) in front of the goose door in hopes of keeping the chickens out, but most of them now just walk right through the 2 inches of water! If they don’t walk through the water, they have no problem umping the 32 inches across the water to get in the goose house. I thought for sure the water would work. I cannot make the water deeper or heavier, otherwise I will not be able to easily dump it and refill it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep the chickens out?
If you use a deeper heavier water tub you must have a way to empty it that does not involve dumping. There are tubs with out flow holes you just unscrew the cap and water comes out or even attach a hose so the water goes where you want it to and when you open the nozzle off the hose your tub will empty, no lift to dump
If you use a deeper heavier water tub you must have a way to empty it that does not involve dumping. There are tubs with out flow holes you just unscrew the cap and water comes out or even attach a hose so the water goes where you want it to and when you open the nozzle off the hose your tub will empty, no lift to dump
That is exactly what I need, something with a hose attached so it doesn’t flow back into their house when I drain it. What I have so far is the most hillbilly looking thing you will ever see and the chickens STILL got in! Only 2 on this last attempt to reconfigure it. They jump from the furthest corner and barely make it to the end of the door. Sometimes they even fall into the tub and don’t seem to care. I tweak it everyday. I’m not going to spend the money to make it pretty until I can figure out how to make it work. Our last hope will be to move their house close to the pond and build a tunnel leading from the coop to the pond. It’s a pretty big house though. Birds are really something!


For anyone interested in something like this in the future, I finally got things moved around so no more chickens can get in. The black tray had only to be moved out about 3 more inches to cut off their ability to fly in a straight shot through the door. It’s not a perfect set up, but for now, the geese can sit in peace. The angles have to be just right as well as the opening in the door and the width, of course,
plays into it as well. Perhaps I go a little overboard with some things. 😂

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