Tired hen or sick hen?

My chicken cuddles is doing the same thing. She eats very little, and is not very consence of anything. She walks real slow. I am hoping it is not a illness.
Cuddles is her name, she has never brood before and she is the head chicken.
I'm having the same problem with my favorite girl. Sudden and just today she is laying around. Won't eat at all. She did lay an egg on the ground but it looked strange, kinda calcium speckled on the nice tan. Also I notice her comb looks a bit pale. I gave her water with a dropper and washed her bottom. To examine. She seemed to have pinked up a little. I don't know what to do. I'm hovering.
I know it isn't broody behavior. Sick I would say but who can say what???
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm in Oakland, CA.
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I have a chicken doing the same thing. She was a friends i just picked up so I could watch her. She just sits with her eyes closed she will walk some then stand or lay down with her eyes closed. I don't feel an egg inside her but I have her sitting in warm water. Not sure what else to do.
Mine is isolated with food and water in a large plastic crate. She is hydrated from me forcing water into her with a dropper. I can't do more for now. I've been reading that other folks with chickens having these symptoms have died quickly 24 hrs or so. Very sad. My favorite chicken.
My baby Cuddles is still alive. It has been three days. She had a some poop on her bottom, and my sister and I cleaned it off and she seems to be a little more active! I'm not giving up on her yet. I hope that your chicken gets better, never give up on her. And if she does die, atleast know that you trired your hardest! :)

(I know what it is like to lose a favorite chicken, my favorite was a Buff Orpington named Custard)
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Does anyone who experienced this have an update? One of my two girls is now doing this and we just lost our rooster. I don't know if she's depressed or sick. We stripped out and moved our coops and runs -- actually replaced our wood coop so everything is hard plastic/resin. We don't know what happened to our rooster - he had respiratory symptoms and seemed to improve with treatment initially but then didn't make it. We have been treating our hens with colloidal silver orally, gave them water baths, dirt baths with DE, and massaging their feet with oil of oregano and coconut oil for leg mites, which everything I read is supposed to be easy to treat. This hen does not appear to be in any kind of respiratory distress and other than leg mites (evidenced by tougher leg scales), I don't see anything on her. We have lived green for almost 15 years and do not want to use any chemicals. I know all sorts of things can go wrong with chickens and sometimes we just don't know but again if anyone else had a 'tired' hen please tell me what you experienced -- thank you!
A quick update -- she does not appear to be egg bound. She is acting normally now so maybe she was just resting and I know she misses her roo man! Fingers crossed she is fine -- we will continue with our current protocols but I still hope to hear from others about this. Thank you.

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