to all premenopausal women!!! and their better halves

yep, i know i'm repeating myself here...but here's my concoction in a nutshell:

Ginko - memory and brain function
St. John's Wort - mood health
Omega 3 (fish, flaxseed, and borage oil is what i buy...all in one capsule, but i'm sure just plain fish oil would work too) - many advantages for taking this, but it also improves your mood
CoQ10 - for heart palpitations

those 4 things have helped me tremendously!!! of course i still have my days from time to time (with my moods) but it has helped me a LOT and has REALLY helped in that i don't cry at the drop of a hat anymore. i still cry, of course, but not over "silly" small matters like i use to. and when i JUST took the St. johns alone, it helped, but not SO so much....but once i added the fish oil and ginko along WITH it, i REALLY noticed a change. it will take about 1 - 4 weeks (they say) to really take effect. i think i noticed a change in about 2 weeks. it's mainly for mood health, i still suffer physical symptoms though. i also take a multivitamin and a B vitamin (for energy) every day too.
I get HOT FLASHES alot! Morning night it doesnt matter. Its the pits at work. I am a person that would never sweat unless it was ungodly hot. Now I sweat like a pig. Just a little bit of work and I am dripping. I cry easily. I get frustrated easily. I have alot of physical pain, headaches stomach aches. I dont sleep. On a good night 5 hours. I am always exhusted. I try to keep a good frame of mind but its hard. One wrong thing said will make me upset and dwell on it for hours. I cant take anything cause I make fibroid tumors in my breast that is estrogen induced so no hormone replacement for me. I also have low thyroid so that doesnt help. Somedays I feel like if all people left my life it would be ok so long as I had my animals. I know thats not right as I dearly love my family. Animals dont demand people do. As I sit here right now the blast furnace is starting again. My family tries but doesnt understand. They take it personally if I flip out, so most of the time I just be quiet but that drives my hubby crazy. I have 0 sex drive which drives me crazy not to mention what it probably does to my DH. He knows I love him but doesnt think I like him. I wish I had answers. I wish I could make everyone understand what I am going through. And I wish my DD's would never have to go through this, although my oldest is cause she had a hysterectomy last summer. I always thought it would be nice not to have to deal with periods, but I think now I would rather have them back.
Sheila. I am presently going thru that but have a very understanding hubby.
Lots of things rub me the wrong way..........

Worst thing DH said......."AGAIN? We just did this in your 20s!"

I had menopause once in my mid/late 20s......due to complete hysterectomy. Been doing it again since age 38.

The way it was explained to me: the first one was surgically induced due to removal of ovaries which produce estrogen. That is why I had to do HRT for three years. My body did continue to produce reduced amounts of estrogen, from other glands. Now those glands are also stopping production, hence the second menopause.

My response: Yay me. <sarcasm induced response>
I had thought that with the great difference in our ages I might get to avoid all of the old lady problems but we have now been together 23 years and going though "the change" has been difficult. Sometimes for both of us. One day when I found the mood swings particularily upsetting I complained only to be met with "it's because of the change". In frustration I replied that if she didn't soon have a change of attitude she might find herself experiencing a change of address. Not the best choice of words if you expect the rest of the day to be pleasant.
Served you right! If you got a shop with a room, just move the couch and TV and a mini refigerator when she is going thru the changes to give each other some space.

Hubby ducks and dives now and then but he is pretty good at it. A good chocolate cake is the best offer he could give me when I'm really B*****Y! Smoothed the ruffled feathers and it would be good until the next day! However my hips says otherwise LOL!
Change of life for her is like evolution, it happens over years. From how it's gone so far I think I'll probably be dead or in a nursing home before she finally morphs into a sweet old lady.
Wellbutrin daily and the occasional coping cocktail, started this year at the age of 41. My DH pays so little attention to anything that doesn't have to do with him that him saying something thoughtless is never a concern! He's not a thoughtless you-know-what by nature, but just very busy and under a lot of work stress, so he tunes everyone out when he gets home. My mother, however, can just call and say, "How are you? Is everything ok? You haven't seemed right lately" and I instantly want to hurt her (down a Xanax and get off of the phone!) Anything that can be considered even a wee bit condescending should be totally off limits!

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