to all premenopausal women!!! and their better halves

You crack me up Opa! Sweet old lady, my butt! Not until she reaches 70 or so giving out wet sloppy kisses to grandkids! I used to run away from old ladies like that!
Sheesh how much younger is she than you Opa?

(my guy is a "tad" older than me far no one has asked him about his daughter when referring to me, but that happened with the gal he was seeing before and she is a year older than
hang in there Opa, us women are goin through it and it's horrible at times, but i think most of us do think of you poor guys having to put up with us. today i gave hubby extra love and told him that i was sorry for the past couple days of emotions. hubby started reading on the internet about "male menopause"....and funny thing is, it makes sense that they may experience drops/fluctuations in hormones as well, just maybe not as extreme as us women experience it!
Got my ginko today-will start taking it in the morning. It's time release, so I didn't want to chance taking it and having it disrupt my sleep in any way-I have a hard enough time getting more than 5 hours of sleep at a time as it is these days! Also got some St. Johns Wort, figured it's worth a shot. My mood isn't that bad, but maybe it will help me get a little more motivation going. I already take flax oil and vtamin E, don't need the Q10-no problems with my heart. I need to be more diligent in taking my multi, calcium, glucosomine, etc. Maybe if I commit to taking them every day like I'm supposed to, some of the fatigue and joint aches will go away........hopefully, the ginko will help me remember to take them.........
"picky" seepage
Bum seepage sounds pretty good though (well - not good...hehee)

I thought all guys had that. That's why colored underwear is so popular.

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