To cull or not to cull ??? Scissor beak

Oct 9, 2019
I love my birds and I really have a hard Decision coming up. I attached a picture of my chick it’s obvious what’s wrong I just didn’t know if anyone else has success story’s ?


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I too have a chick with cross beak:/
This is from a couple weeks ago. It’s worse now. I’m really wondering if it will continue to get worse:(

I have a hen with crossbeak that just turned 1 a few weeks ago! She loves to be outside pecking at the ground for goodies...has no idea she's not accomplishing anything :D We just had to make a few minor changes in the coop and provide a little extra care to her beak:

- As a chick I weighed her weekly to make sure she was gaining weight consistently
- I file her beak every few weeks when it starts to get long with a nail file, and use dog clippers if needed. She has broken the top portion of her beak twice this year getting it caught on things (she's very busy), which has required some extra maintenance
- I do not use feeders or pellets - the flock gets crumbles in rubber bowls so she can scoop food up. I did try pellets (because of waste) with no success (after watching her I soon realized she can't scoop up pellets). I am also currently switching the flock to Purina layer feed because it has oyster shell in the feed - she lays softer shelled eggs because she can't eat oyster shell free choice, and a few have broken in the nesting boxes :hmm
- She usually looks a little ratty because she can't groom herself as well

She's a quirky little thing and has been a great addition to her flock - that being said, her beak hasn't hindered her from eating or drinking which is a huge factor in making the decision to cull.


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