To feed inside the coop or outside in the run????


10 Years
Apr 16, 2012
Mendocino county
Hi, I'm a newbie and am just getting the "run" complete. I have locked up the 5 week old chicks inside the coop for a week with fresh food and water daily. I want to know if anyone has any information what is a good plan for after they get to go into the "run" as far as feeding. My husband said that when his family raised hundreds of chickens in France, they fed them outside and only gave water inside the coop when they went in each night. (and, of course, they had water outside in the run, as well)
Any suggestions? Thanks.
I am a newbie to, but what I plan on doing is, leaving water out in the run, and water INside with food inside as well. I think leaving feed outside can attract unwanted guests
Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean about "unwanted guests". Perhaps, we should just leave the food outside in the run during the daytime, and put it away for the night. Do chickens need to eat constantly??? Also, I thought that perhaps the "coop" was their time to rest and do their personal grooming. Do I sound like a "newbie" now???
We have the food in the coop which they have access to all day but I rarely see them at the feeder so I guess they prefer to free range (and stand at the fence waiting to see if the reason I am outside is because they are getting table scraps. LOL)

There is a 3+ gallon waterer in the coop and in the run there is a 1 gallon and a 1 quart. The outside waterers have to be filled daily but the one in the coop seems to never be touched.
I have a small coop now so feed is only outside but the run has a solid roof to keep the food dry.
I've had feeders inside the coop in the past, really isn't any difference as long as the food stays dry.
I have a small coop now so feed is only outside but the run has a solid roof to keep the food dry.
I've had feeders inside the coop in the past, really isn't any difference as long as the food stays dry.
Thank you. My run is also covered, so I suppose that it will be just fine to hang the feeder outside under the run.
Water and feed stay in the run. It seems like when I keep either one in the coop there main goal is to kick hay in it no matter how high I set it -_-
I think it depends on your set up, some people have large coops, where the chickens can actually stay inside all day or for days. I have a smaller coop, and really just want the girls to roost there, and lay eggs there. I do have shelter in my run.

I feed and water in the run, and I do not provide 24 hours of food unless I am going to be gone.

I think it depends on your set up, some people have large coops, where the chickens can actually stay inside all day or for days. I have a smaller coop, and really just want the girls to roost there, and lay eggs there. I do have shelter in my run.

I feed and water in the run, and I do not provide 24 hours of food unless I am going to be gone.

Thank you. It seems that everyone does it differently, and perhaps that is because of their "set up". I think we will try to do the food and water in the run and just water in the coop and see how that works out. Today was "day one" for them to be in the run and they are loving it..........being chickens and expressing their little personalities. I love watching them!

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