To paint or not to paint?


10 Years
Oct 21, 2012
North Texas
I'm wondering if I should paint the inside off my coop walls and stuff. Do the chickens peck the walls? What are the pros and cons of painting vs not painting the inside?
I painted the inside of my coop. The walls are white and the ceiling is bright pink.

I haven't had any problems with my girls pecking at the paint.

Good luck!
Does painting make it easier to clean, keep cool in summer, notice any difference since painting?
My coop is very simple to clean. The wooden walls are smoother so I can just wipe them off if need be. And when I do my spring clean I sponge up the walls and open all the windows and let it air dry. I have never had my coop unpainted, so I do not know the pros and cons between the two. But painting my coop has worked out well for me.

Good luck!
My coop is OSB boards and non painted inside but painted outside. You could paint if you want something really nice looking inside or if you plan to scrub the walls from time to time. I don't scrub walls.... I just replace the nesting and floor chips a few times a year.


Non painted inside, I actually think it looks best without paint. As long as the outside is painted and weather proof then it's oksy
I decided on a off white paint for the inside. Its called gold coast white. Its exterior grade high gloss . So i can wipe it down or spray something on it . I prefer painted inside for the ease of cleaning and looks.
Thanks for all you input I think I will go with non-painted. I may decide to paint later but for now I'll follow Ann Landers adviced, "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

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