To rid ducks of extremely small black bugs (mites?)


Jun 15, 2022
Anyone think this will be good?

Chicken Mite Treatment Spray​

20 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed (or 1 oz garlic extract)

45 drops eucalyptus essential oil*

30 drops lavender essential oil*

30 drops peppermint essential oil*

20 drops cinnamon bark essential oil*

20 drops melissa essential oil*

2 tbs White Vinegar (unless using garlic extract)



  1. In a 16 oz. glass spray bottle, combine garlic (or extract) and essential oils. If using smashed garlic, allow it to sit for several hours before using.
  2. If using garlic extract, do not use white vinegar. Simply fill the rest of the bottle up with water 3/4 of the way full. If using smashed garlic, add vinegar.
  3. Shake the bottle well before each spray. Spray directly on the skin of the chicken, concentrating only on the neck, the vent area, and the top of the tail where the oil gland is. I also spray their feet and the base of the roosting bar so that when they lay back down on their feet and roost, the mixture gets onto their bellies. Do this treatment at night after they’ve gone to roost.
  4. Continue this treatment for two weeks, then twice a week for two weeks, to rid your chickens of mites. You can continue to dust your chickens with wood ash once a week, but it may not be necessary.
Yes I've heard that about neem too. This recipe does not have either. I have all of the essential oils on hand actually, so I may try it. Perhaps I'll call the vet first and see if they have a list of allowed essential oils for ducks/birds. One things is for certain, they will be running around smelling of garlic! My drake may be bothered by these mites (I've had to hold him down a few times of late for attacking me and when I do, I see them on my left hand), but the hens do not show symptoms, except for possibly some wing feather damage but there is really no way to tell if that is from bugs or my drake grabbing them.

Thanks for the suggestion, Lydia. It is pretty much just potassium sorbate and some citric acid, so probably not bad. I use EWG for humans and they suggest low potential immounotoxicity - at least for humans.
If he has mite you'll need to take all bedding out and dispose of it away from your home and theirs. I used Neem inside of my coop didn't spray my birds with it.

At least he won't have to worry about dracula with smelling like garlic. lol

I have used Poultry protector on my chickens when they had mites it works really well.

What is EWG?
Dracula! LOL! Maybe predators too!

Funny (not!) I just thoroughly cleaned* out the coop a week or so ago and loath doing it again so soon but I'll need to at least wait until the weather dries a bit. Going to be very rainy this entire week.
*(took out the tarp and spray brushed it on both sides, then sun dried, disposed of all the bedding at the dump (not even recycle because the 2 hens had chipped away at the blue insulation after pulling down the plastic I had tacked up covering it and mixed it with their feathers into the straw - to make BEAUTIFUL nests, which they since have not attempted to repeat)
Environmental Working Group. Just google EWG and anything you want to check out (chemicals and some natural substances) you'll come up with a rating and the potential issues of a substance. I try to stick with #1 whenever possible and some #2 when I really want to use something for a limited period. That's because I have immune issues. They also rate specific brands of human products, like shampoos, laundry detergent, etc.
I actually looked It up and that is what I came up with but just wanted to make sure. I use all natural safe products also. usually make my own.

If you use a safe product like you are talking about you might get by with just spraying down the bedding and turning it over till it's dry. Makes it hard when weather doesn't cooperate.
No kidding. I am feeling sorry for the little guy though and wonder if this is why he's been a bit ill tempered with me of late. It may also be because he has trouble catching the girls to mate, as they seem faster and do run away. He spends a fair amount of time on his own and he is normally so friendly that I think he potentially gets bored and lonely. He also seems to want their companionship more than the actual mating - perhaps I'm reading into this. The girls do stick together and if he is to be close by, I think he knows he needs not to bother them when they don't want it. I refuse to get another hen/duck though. Three is plenty for me and who knows if it would be any different for him. Actually all that said, it is the hens feathers that look the worse.
Do you think it's from him climbing on to mate? This time of year is when my Muscovy are the closest to their drake usually in winter is when they avoid him like the plague. But he still follows them around like a puppy.
Yes, I did suggest that in my second email. It's kind of impossible to tell. At least while I am not spending a lot of time outside with them. Too damp and cold.
Yeah the boys claws can really do a number on the girls feathers. All we can do as long as there isn't any raw skin is just wait until molt by then breeding is over and they will all grow in beautiful new feathers.

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