To think I was to chicken to post, was beyond me.

I hope I didn't enter into a catch 22 here.

My goal is to have happy chickens, eat their eggs, and provide them with a great life.

As a farmer, I plant and harvest off the land. I also agreed to having two pet hens.

I will slaughter and eat the rest when they can't lay any longer.
ok well that will be a long time some hens can lay for a few years, well good luck on your hunt i would love to see pics of when you finally get some and yes rhode islands are good egg layers wel good luck

From Old Town, Maine
Jason you have certainy landed in just the right place.

You will learn loads here.

Enjoy and welcome.

The first step was to decided where the coop was going to go. Being that my township only allows two out structures, I had to get clever and out think them. I have a pool and building already, regs on a perm fence over four feet. So I will make my coop portable with a chicken run and a perm fence area to dock up to.

The second step is to build the coop. I am gathering used materials, and working on a design that would suit my taste, a little from this one, a little from that one.

Of course I will have a copper flower box, maybe a I will make a chicken sign for the door... Any clever ideas what it should say??????????????

Wish I could let them free roam, I don't trust my cat or my dog. I have a plan to introduce the dog, she is pretty smart and a good family pet. But the cat!?! Well she is a hunter/eater of rodents, so that isn't going to happen.

I plan to put a temp fence around my new orchard this year, they will be allowed to roam around there during the day.


Any suggestions on name brands? I want to raise them in a organtic fashion.
This is the place to learn. I started a year ago and I feel like I have learned so much! There are a lot of great ideas on coop styles and I "steal" other peoples ideas all the time.
As for feed just make sure you buy a quality food that is going to be for the age of your chickens. I really like purina. They have a great grower, starter, an layer feed. I have used Hubbard pellets too. Less waste.
Thanks for the " hellos ".

Its pretty tough posting to a new board asking for advice, and every other posters says " this is the place to learn" and you don't get any feedback from your post.

It makes a poster question if their questions were stupid, or were other posters above " offering sound advice ".

I'd second guess, that if my posting name was more female related, say, sexy-mom-bbq-chicken fingers, I might have some answers to my questions.

But it's not, and I don't want to join your "my space page" and I don't want to buy chickens from you. I just want answers to my questions.

I have a multi business on the internet, I sell all over the world. By the time I finish this post I have sold to three more clients.

I don't care what their sex is or where their buying from, they made the purchase, and they will get the product.

See what I mean?

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