To Trust Brinsea Temperature Reading Or Not?


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Regina, SK
The thermometer in my Brinsea, even when it is set to 99.9, reads around 98.4. However, it only reads 98.4 when I put the probe on toilet paper. Otherwise it reads 96.4 because of the foam on the bottom, which is cooler than the air from what I can tell. I didn't get a thermometer because I decided I wanted to trust what the Brinsea was saying. I've been incubating an egg in there for a few days, and developmentally all has been going well. I bought a thermometer in hopes of simply confirming my temperature setting. But I was shocked to see it reading 96.4. I started to freak out. The egg is a parrot egg, and I've got a hen on a nest, so I put the egg under her because I was terrified I'd been doing harm to it. When I felt the egg she was sitting on, it was not as warm as my egg. Not drastically different but not as warm, but still developing (so far--the egg she is sitting on is at an earlier stage than mine). So how can my temperature be 96.4-98.4 degrees?! And if that's not enough, when I put that thermometer in my Hovabator, it reads 99.3 which is about what it usually reads in at. But every single thermometer I have reads something different and I am at the end of my rope. I've had three oral thermometers in various locations in my hovabator reading around 98.8, 99.4 and to 100.8 respectably, and this one reads 99.3 when put in there so at least that makes some sense. So stressed out. The hen in question is young and I'm not sure whether she is going to sit tight on this egg, but at least I know her body temperature whereas I have no idea what's going on in this $400 incubator I just bought! How many expensive thermometers am I going to have to buy for this thing? I spent $40 on thermometers just today in an attempt to get a correct reading.
Some help please?
They say the best thermometer is the Brinsea spot check. I just use the glass thermometer that came with mine. Truthfully most digital thermometers are crap!! I've had 2 successful hatches so far and my 3rd batch will go on lockdown Wednesday. Out of 14 shipped eggs 11 are developing nicely!

Truthfull you'll drive yourself insane trying to get all these thermometer to say the same thing.

Good Luck!!

ETA: I also ordered 3 different one online and ones from Wal-Mart. They all say something different!!
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Sadly, I do not have the Brinsea spot check... Nor the funds to get one now. I live in Canada, so shipping for such a small item would be outrageous and something I can't really do right now after having purchased the incubator... I just need to know whether the temperature reading on my Brinsea can be trusted. It's an Advance EX model, so it has a temp. reading on the top menu as well as a humidity reading. I have a fairly trustable hygrometer that agrees (within 2%) with my Brinsea's RH% reading, but it took me years to find a hygrometer that was accurate. For the thermometers I really just don't know...
Stuck all my thermometers in a running Hovabator and they nearly all agree with each other. Two say 99.1, two say 99.5, and one says 100F (but it doesn't measure in 0.1 increments, to my dismay). I can't believe my Brinsea is less accurate than my Hovabator! ARGH!
I hear ya! I spent about $60 on 4 different ones and the only one I use is the first one I bought at WM and use it just for the humidity reading!! I will end up getting the Spot check for sure one day!!
Well, I am into my first hatching of eggs and I have run here to there and everywhere getting thermometers with humidity readings because none of them match the Brinsea or eachother.
I after 4 different purchases, I have decided to trust the temp of the Brinsea and the humidity of one of the digitals.
Before you go completely mad.. TRUST THE GLASS THERMOMETER that came with the brinsea... Below was my setup when I just got the thermometers. I was beaming with pride over them.. You will notice that each of my bators have 3 probe style thermometers, both are using the glass thermometers, and both have the hygrometer and thermometer setup. EACH thermometer says something different!!!!!! So on the brinsea trust the glass thermometer. Use the digitals for variance readings.
I thought with the brinsea octogon advance, It came preset to 99.5 needing no adjustments and is even tamper proof. So why do you need to check the temp?
I don't know which brinsea bator the OP has.. mine is the Octagon 20 ECO.. Once set it's a no brainer.. I put them in there when I found out the first ones showed something different.. Then I got carried away, and loaded the bators up with more thermometers than

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