To Turn Or Not to Turn


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
I have 10 eggs in the incubator. What happened is I had 5 eggs that a hen was laying on and I checked them up to day 5. Our rooster kills all chicks that hatch in the coop so on day 18 I went out to collect the eggs and put them in the incubator on lock down. To my surprise there were 15 eggs. I collected all the eggs and brought them in and did not turn them.

The original 5 have hatched, here is my issue I know that there were 5 eggs up to 5 days. On day 18 there were 15, between day 20 and 21 5 hatched. I have no idea how many days the other eggs have left.

We did the math and we figure they are between 14 days and 16 days.

MY Question is this: Is it better to keep turning them (they were not turned when I was waiting for the 5 to hatch) even past day 18 or is better to error on the side of caution and stop turning them?

Any advice would be great.
Can you see into the eggs when you candle them? If so, number them sequentially from 1 - 10 according to development. Then, you'll at least have an idea how close they are to hatching. The most developed ones, you'll have to keep an eye on. When the chick takes up almost or all of the available space in the egg, stop turning that egg.

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