Today is day 18 in my first hatching experience

A roo or two

6 Years
Sep 16, 2013
So I removed all the eggs, weighed, measured air cells, took out the turner, laid shelf liner in the bottom and placed the eggs back in on their sides.

I started with 37 eggs. Day seven two clears and one early quitter. Day 14 two quitters (one about day 8, another about day 12).

Leaves with me 32 eggs headed into lock down.
Right now I have:
18 that I am completely happy with the air cell size and the weight loss.
6 that have good air cells but didn't lose the weight I expected.
6 that have smaller air cells and didn't lose the weight I expected.
2 that lost more weight than I would like (approx 2 grams more).

Now just to sit back and wait...patiently
like that's gonna happen. I am a nervous wreck, I feel like a first time mother!

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I have such discrepancies in my air cells and weight loss? Is it most likely shell density differences? I have a Farm Innovators 4200 pro series with fan. There was no pattern in the setting of the eggs as to why there are such differences, so I can only think of shell thickness. Did the dry hatch, kept humidity from 27-35 for the first 18 days, temp 99.3-99.7.
Well this morning I couldn't help but weigh the high weighted eggs again. So 12 were re-weighed and I am happy to report that 7 of those 12 have come down in weight!! Hopefully that is a promising sign. Today is day 19. Now if I can only stop looking at them through the window

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