
Sep 29, 2019
My young rooster broke his toe. I tried to splint it awhile back but I made him limp more so I took it off. It started to turn black. I was told it would just fall off but it hasn’t and now it is very swollen around the black part. I’m wondering if he is pecking at it?? Please help!! What do I do?!
Maybe wrap it with a clean bandage. Our rooster did all right with a bandaged toe when he had chipped it. Do not put any human medicine on it maybe a little bit of poultry ones. This would help it to not get infected if the toe is an infection.
What is your location? Could it be frostbite, or did he get the toe crushed? Frostbitten toes will usually fall off on their own. If you do remove the toe, use some good disinfectant such as Betadine or chlorhexidene (Hibiclens 1/2 strength mixed with water.) You can place him in a dog crate for a few days on clean towels or puppy pads.
What is your location? Could it be frostbite, or did he get the toe crushed? Frostbitten toes will usually fall off on their own. If you do remove the toe, use some good disinfectant such as Betadine or chlorhexidene (Hibiclens 1/2 strength mixed with water.) You can place him in a dog crate for a few days on clean towels or puppy pads.
It was not frostbite... I’m in Oklahoma and it’s been in the upper 90’s..... how should I remove it?

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