
you can do that? we can only toss ours one at a time, because with one each - they cant fight for it! also - they only eat treats that are freshly thrown at them
Oh man! My chickens LOVE tomatoes!!!!!!!!!! Look out! Ans strawberries, too!

Greyfields, I have a funny story for you about grapes. When my chickens were just about 8-9 mo old I was feeding them grapes in the evening just before dusk. They were gobbling them up! I could not bite them in half fast enough and drop them on the ground for them. Well, my barred rock got ahold of a whole one and swallowed it. She seemed ok, so no big deal, right? A bit later they are all roosting and I poke my head in to say goodnight and I notice Licorice, the barred rock, is foaming at the mouth on her perch. Naturally these being my first chickens ever (and raising them from day-olds constitutes them as being my "babies")--I freaked!! Oh my gods! She's choking...she has rabies..she's gonna die! I grab her and sprint across the hay field to my neighbor's house (who has chickens) and show her to her. Ahhhhh! I'm still freaking. Is she gonna DIE????Neighbor notices the lump in her neck and starts feeling it. Something is in's moving's squishy. More foam squirts from Licorice's mouth. We massage her throat a little. Then I suddenly remembered the GRAPE!! That beast of a hen ate a whole grape!! So, I put Licorice down on the ground and she's all wobbly. I'm thinking that this is it. She's gonna keel over and die on me! I'm in tears!!

And what happened next, I swear was like a scene from a cartoon!! Licorice makes an audible sound that sounded ALOT like a loud swallowing noise and the lump dissappears!! Then she steadies herself, gives a good shakes of her feathers and starts pecking the ground as if nothing had happened.

I stood there dumbfounded! It was hysterical!!!! She finally swallowed the darn grape!!

Still to this day....she is the character of the group!
I remember the first time I saw them swallow them whole... I kept thinking "I'm going to be a bad chicken daddy if they die!!" I think my birds were older when they first started, so they had no problem passing them whole into the gizzard where they'd just be popped like tasty little, well, grapes.

And I have to admit, I toss a few zuccinnis to the chickens. I throw them on the ground really hard so they split open, then they go ape over them. However, I prefer to give the zukes to the piggies, becasue they truly go mad and devour them like whoa. I think half our garden we grew this year has gone to the piggies in one form or another.
I had to fence in my tomatoes because my chickens had discovered my garden before I discovered my broccoli was gone as was all my spinach. the melons that managed to sneak through the fence are also gone as are the strawberries.
Grapes they will jump on the chair all over me when I have grapes. I try to break each one in half but I am just not fast enough, same way with watermelon...I can take an end piece of watermelon out there and it looks like a bowl in no time at all! My goodness, don't even start me on the yogurt. Mine are just pigs.
Glad to hear everyone lets their gangs have tomatoes.... I also cook pasta for mine every morning and mix it with corn, cheerios, cereal or anything else I have around. The chicks I'm raising this summer LOVE cucumbers in particular, but peppers and tomatoes run a close second that's for sure! \\

Seems like they'll eat just about anything!

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