Tons of teaberries. Can i use them?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
I have TONS of tea berries growing on my property this year. I've never seen so many before in my life. We have 11 chicks coming next week. Could I pick and freeze these to give as treats later on down the road?

Tea berries also know as checker berries.
I don't know for sure what tea berries are, but I do like tea berry gum. I would think that would be a good idea, if it is a berry that is edible. My chickens go crazy for blueberries and blackberries from my yard. So I think if it is an edible berry it should be a good treat.
GOOD IDEA!! Am sure we have lots ready now too, just haven't been out in that part of the property to look!
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Teaberry gum is the flavor I'm talking about. Those berries grow great in the woods of Maine, and the leaves are great for tea and also are good for headaches, and to just chew on while walking in the woods.

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