Too early to let out for a little bit?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island

My chicks are about 4 weeks old, it's in the low 70s today and sunny. I was wondering if I could let them take a stroll outside - or will they get too cold? There brooder temp is about the same, but it is controlled and no slight breeze etc.

They will love it for about an hour or so. they'll pretty much let you know when they are ready to come inside. Watch them for getting a chill.
I have my four day old chicks out in the grass as we speak
Lovely day for a field trip!!
My girls are about the same age and I take them out on warm afternoons when I clean their pen. someone stays with them of course. But yes they will love it. They seem to not be as skittish out side as they are in the pen too.
My soon to be 4 week olds are outside all day-8am to 7pm, but I do live in Central Florida and the weather has been lovely. Started taking them outside for adventures at 2 weeks:)
Well they seemed to do fine. For the most part they stay semi-huddled in one area. All except my SL Wyandotte ( I think - she has feathered legs) who I think fancies me LOL.

My boxer got bored after a bit and took a nap, the kitty found bugs more fun but the Shepherd was glued to them. SO I shall always keep a sharp eye out for him.

I wish I had a camera then I could havce teaken pics and maybe been reassured that I have the right chicks. ( my brother ordered some and he took what we think are his LOL )

Thank you for always helping with the quick advice!
If this was there first outing, then they'll stay huddled up together not necessarily because cold but new surroundings. Continued trips outside will definitely change that. BTW, Wyandottes do not have feathered legs. Brahma or Cochin, maybe? A pic would help:)

I let them out agian today, I put this pen closer to where their actual coop is going to be. he dogs did better and so did the chicks. You can certainly see which ones are much more timid! I dug up some worms and grubs from the yard and my white cochin is such a hog! LOL

I was wrong about the wyandotte - it is my lt brahma (she's black and white right now) I also have a gl cochin.
he white cochin, named Puff, was doing this hysterical zigzag run thing!

They also got a taste of rain, we had a 2 minute shower and only 1 of the birds ran into the carrier for protection.

Thank you all-
I think the coop is getting built this weekend, thank goodness I have a professional carpentier around the house!


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