Too many chickens? Not laying well


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
We've added to our flock each year, now on the third year. I have 57 chickens - 20 of which are new this year and about 4 months old. Since I've added the newbies, several things seem off kilter. The newbies are not as well behaved in that they peck at me and my daughters feet and legs--having no sense as to what is food. I also have trouble feeding all of them without them all getting crazy and flying around at me. But the worst part is that the egg production is SO pitiful. We had found some up in the woods, so kept them in the run for awhile. Today they were in all day and we got 3 eggs. 3 eggs from 57 chickens. My husband is ready to kill them.

I think one of the problems is the nesting boxes are not comfortable and the newbies sleep in them since the bigger chickens won't let them on the roosts. I never find eggs in the boxes where the newbies sleep.

I also think there are too many chickens. We have plenty of land it seems to me for free ranging chickens, but some of the chickens go far off to the neighbors. I'd guess we had eggs all over, but why no eggs when they are in the run?

Another weird thing, two of the newbies are very, very small. I didn't order bantam, but they are really small and do not seem to be growing.
How big is the coop and run that you keep them in and what are you feeding them? Also when did you introduce the new chickens?
I'd say I don't have enough room either...but just wondering why those unhappy commercial farm chickens lay. How does that work?

I lost a chicken today to a coyote! First time ever for a wild predator in 3 years (lost to bear dog once). I understand that it will keep coming around now. So upsetting. I know there's too many but I don't want to lose them that way!! And the first fatality was one of the tiny, tiny ones that I said didn't seem to be growing. She was so cute.

We've decided to sell some of the chickens to make room rather than build another coop. My friend lost several of her chickens and wanted more, so hoping to sell to her. She lost hers to her dog which she is rehoming this weekend.

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