Too many Rooster


12 Years
Jul 16, 2007
Hi All,
I'm new to this forum but have had chix for 8 years now. Problem started for our backyard hens only flock when twice commercially obtained babies turned out to be roosters instead of hens. One was okay but then there were 2 and now some "surprise" chicks have gotten big enough that at least 2 of these are also roosters. We are the kindhearted only wanted the egg experience type family and want to know if there is any market for roosters other than the stewpot. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I have a suggestion. This is what we did with ours. We ran a free add in our paper for him and we got so many calls that we could have given away 20 of them if we had them. The clue is free. That way you can interview the people and see what their intentions are for him and his living conditions. We were very pickey who got ours.


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