Too many


5 Years
Dec 26, 2018
I’ve overdone it this year and now have 11 Brahma roosters and 20 ducks to get rid of.
I’ve had an add up for some time now and they’re not going fast enough. Any ideas on what I can do ?
It’s such a pity about the Brahma roosters, they’re such beautiful birds and no one wants them :barnie
Umm, I thought your birds had an illness? :oops:

Best to put them down (cull / kill)... don’t spread it to other flocks.
A minimum of 9/10 roosters need to go somewhere other than being a flockmaster since you only need one rooster for every 10 hens. Food is a great way for them to be useful without being a flock master.

I would send them to be eaten. In nature they would fight until they either had control of a flock of hens or were injured badly enough that a predator would pick them off and THEN they would be eaten.

Also, yes if your chickens are sick never ever give them away. You're just making more birds sick and likely get put down because of that. You're not saving anyone, you're making more chickens sick and dead instead.
Chicken math..... :barnie
Well, sounds like you have quite a few roos. Maybe your family would enjoy eating them? If you don't think you can butcher them yourself, have a neighbor or local butcher do it for you. (Although that might cost some money.)
I’ve overdone it this year and now have 11 Brahma roosters and 20 ducks to get rid of.
I’ve had an add up for some time now and they’re not going fast enough. Any ideas on what I can do ?
It’s such a pity about the Brahma roosters, they’re such beautiful birds and no one wants them :barnie
We've been wanting a Brahma rooster for a while now. Too bad you live so far away.

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