Too much grit???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
south shore mass
So my birds are about 8 weeks old and I have been giving them grit for the last few weeks. I usually put some in a bowl and they go crazy for it. Like they like it more then treets. I fill only fill the bowl up once every few days but when I do it's gone in like 10 min. And I only have 8 ladies. Is this normal?? Am I giving them too much or too little??
I give them all the food they want and they have been eating a lot of it. I give them the chick starter crumbles. The seem to like it. And I also give them a good amount of treats.
I don't think you can give too much grit, they eat what they need, in the winter when my birds can't free range to pick their own grit, I keep a small wall feeder constantly topped off with grit, if it goes empty they gorge when I fill it up but then calm down after a while.
If they are on pasture then they find their own.
I don't think you can give too much grit, they eat what they need, in the winter when my birds can't free range to pick their own grit, I keep a small wall feeder constantly topped off with grit, if it goes empty they gorge when I fill it up but then calm down after a while.
If they are on pasture then they find their own.
I agree. They just eat what they need. So they simply must need that much.

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