Too much protein

I was thinking of switching from 16% layer to 20% flock raiser and it would be fed to Call Ducks and Old English Bantams.
Plan to breed and hatch eggs on both of these so i wasn't thrilled at the lower calcium in the Flock raiser.
Mostly just looking to improve on feather quality and color with the flock raiser is this a good idea??
I don't worry too much about the calcium because I give them oyster shells free choice. I would be a little concerned about the flock raiser just because of the trouble citychicker had with her welsh harlequins while they were on it. Since I got them they are on game bird feed with supplemental greens. Their feet and leg issues cleared up after a week.
Not completely sure, but it looks like it might have been the feed. She was buying some kind of flock raiser mix. (Denver area). She had switched TO that, but after her batch of Welsh Harlequins had problems, switched back to her old mix.
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Briteday said:
"My dogs and cat are fed strictly a meat-based raw diet, about 80-85% protein, 15% +/- fat. I have been feeding raw for years and my dogs are consistently healthy and live to ripe, old ages. As for my chickens I make sure that they get animal proteins several times each week. Unfortunately Purina thinks chickens shoud be vegetarian. I guess they never saw a chicken eat a bug. I mix gamebird feed with Layena because those are the two feeds I can get consistently. That gets me to about 20-22% protein. During the winter or moults I supplement with 40% kitten kibble. And anytime of the year when I have meaty kitchen scraps it goes to the chickens. We almost always have roast chicken on Sunday and they always get the carcass later in the week after leftovers are finished. "
FYI: I feed EVO as it is a non-grain diet to my dogs and cats as I truly believe in that approach but am a bit too lazy to make the homemade raw. They are all gorgeous
and healthy (one is 15 years old).

Back to the subject! I wonder if the kitten kibble has too much salt for the chooks? I don't know that for a fact but it was presented to me by another chicken owner. Any truth to that as far as you know? I was planning on supplementing with mealworms and possibly redworms. Thoughts on that for protein?
Your chickens will love you if you got them worms. My ducks mob me when they see me turning the compost pile because they know it means they get any worms I dig up.
The only game bird feed my local supplier can get is 28% protein game bird Starter/Breeder. I was using that exclusively for a while and my birds put on weight and started plumping out. They they got thinner and their feather quality was decreasing. I tried mixing it with layer pellets 50/50 and they were scooping it out and wasting incredible amounts. I tried mixing it 2/1 with scratch and they wasted more, eating only the scratch.

I went to the feed store yesterday and talked to them about their "all poultry"'s 14% protein-ugh! They suggested mixing it with the game bird starter to raise the protein. I bought my horse feed & chick starter and drove into the nearest bigger town to TSC and bought Flock Raiser. I'm tired of mixing and dinking around with feed. I want to feed the same feed every day and not change around all of the time. I guess I'll use 2 feed stores until my local store can get the Flock Raiser in for me.

I think it's also time to make some of the PVC feeders I've seen on here and stop the food wasting!
Thats me too

I feed all mine the same feed 16% pellets and it's fed to my ducks,chickens and peafowl
But i had been thinking of using the flock raiser as a sole ration for them all for better feather quality.

The ingredients on a bag of purina layer pellets the first ingredient is "Grain by Products" and plant protein is the 3rd ingredient

On the Flock Raiser the first ingredient is 'Plant Protein Products' and the 2nd is plant by product's it also has soybean oil layer does not

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