Too soon? What did i do wrong?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Tis a sad day. I have 2 French Marans (sisters, Lucy and Ethel) and this morning i get up and notice Lucy's abdomen is distended. Theyre only about 11m old. I'm new to chickens but i have heard that the Marans are notoriously inconsistent egg layers so after about 3 weeks of ownership (this is week three) and 8 eggs, I chalked it up to nervousness or being a Marans.

BUT i have noticed that Ethel is always in the nest box and when she pops up there's an egg, a nice juicy #4-5. Lucy is usually laying just ahead of her on the wire and not in her nest box. EVER. When they're free roaming Lucy is in the sand buried and Ethel is pecking about.

Took Lucy into hospital this am, she has a tummy full of gook. My question is, what did i do wrong? I DID see a soft shelled egg last week but read about it and kept an eye out, as i hear it sometimes happens and every egg i got after that was firm and good.

Does she not like her nest box and i unintentionally bound her up?

Calcium deficient?!?!

From/bad food? Too much protein? Not enough??

Lets all pray for my pal!
I prayed for her! you didn't do anything wrong
sometimes things like this just happen. I pray she gets better really soon! best wishes
Thank you so much. My little hen got out of surgery and it wasn't looking good. :( She shouldn't lay any more eggs or it could be the end for her. I will take her home when she is better and care for her until one of the old hospital workers comes back to the hospital from Loxahatchee to pick up one other chicken and Lucy, and take them to a free roaming farm to live out the rest of her life with older hens who are beyond their egg laying years.

Ethel must not trust me again as ive taken her sister this morning and didn't come back with her!

Thank you for your prayers.
aww I have two sisters too Betty and Wilma I can't imagine what your going through! I really hope she makes it. God bless you

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