Top for my 25X25 run? Bird net seems weak


10 Years
Nov 14, 2010
Bethel, NC
I have just finished stretching my fence for my new 25X25 run. I live in the woods and in the run there are 2 white oaks and a pine all taller than 60ft. My fence will be 7ft but the top, what should i cover it with?
We used camouflage netting for the top of our run. You can buy it in enormous rolls so it will cover from one side to the other. And it's kind of pretty in that it provides dappled shade. Best of all - it's strong. Just google it and you'll find a million sites selling new or used for cheap. Oh - and you can cut it to fit around the tall trees without compromising it's stability.
I used deer netting which is cheap and comes in large rolls and is alot tougher than bird net. It has worked great so far. The problem is with all the snow one part of it that is not under the tarps is hanging down like a hammock way down into the run full of snow and now has a gap where the deer net overlaps. Two nights ago I saw two coons on the property and then tons of coon prints all around the run this morning in the snow. They can get in there if they wanted to and if they can get through chicken wire I'm sure deer netting would be a piece of cake for them. Given all the snow and very little to eat these days...I'm sure they'll want to. The chickens are locked up at night so I don't worry then but if the raccoons are hungry who knows what time of night or day they'll show up. So I'll be reinforcing it tomorrow with some welded wire where it is sagging, picking up a couple of traps, and then trying to come up with another solution in the spring....sigh.
This is not very helpful to you as to what to use but maybe it helps on what might not work.
I too live very rural, and had to build predator safe. It is a bit pricey, but hard wire will do it, and be threre for a long long time.I used 1x2 14 Ga. wire. I also ran the walls down 9-12 inches into the dite, and burried out anothe 12 inches to stop digging predators. Yoy can cut out holes for the trees, and then use j-clips to mend the wire to fit close around the trees. Here is a pic of what I did. I was lucky enough to not have trees in my run area though. I hope it helps, it will work.
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Wow!!!! That is nice for sure, and seems secure too. A bit pricey for the size of my run. Thinking cables, spanning across the run, with netting. My German Shepards alert to leaves dropping, I'm more paranoid than anything! But I really like your run. I have a 80 ft greenhouse/cold frame I will be setting up like that next! Just didn't really think roof before I put the fence up. Doh!!!! Thanks for your input!

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