Top hat Special: What are these?

What happened to our promised pics???
I just ordered this also and would love to hear some other feedback...has anyone else gotten this and what kinds of birds did you get?
I completely forgot! I will post when I get home. We also got a houdan in our order and she is just beautiful! Wrote reminder to post after work :)
I completely forgot! I will post when I get home. We also got a houdan in our order and she is just beautiful! Wrote reminder to post after work

Don't make us ground you!
Ok I finally got some decent pictures.

Here is my little Red Pullet

Here is the Little Red Rooster

Snow White is very shy but it seems as if she was supposed to be a blue polish but she is white with a lavender tint.

My little Buff Polish Pullet

Hooudy the Houdan looked like the Mottled Houdan on Murray's website as a chick. Now she doesn't, Anyone want to take a guess to her breed?


Bad picture but this is a little Golden Laced Pulet

Here are a couple White Crested Black's. The first pic is a little roo

My Buff Roo

Here are my 2 girls from Meyer Hatchery. They just got their oatmeal and would not stand for a good picture. The ones I got from Meyer are better quality as far as color and lacing but I love the ones from Murray as well. I got all colors and my special little Hoodey. :)
CUTE! I want some! I lost my roo :/ so I only have 2 polish hens :(

aww I'm sorry to hear that. I gave away a red too and five white crested black polish roos last week. Had way to many boys but I got a good ratio when I ordered but I hatched out on my own a couple girls and a lot of boys!
cant see in the picture  how many toes does Hoodey have? and how old   she looks like a young one that hasn't done the last molt into adult feathers

Hooudy has five toes and she is young. I think they are around 13 weeks of age if I counted right.

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