Top hen mounting other hens like she's a rooster... Is this normal?


This is my Phoebe. She turned 5 last month and was a mom last year.

She used to go broody every year and I've expected her to do so this year aswell but nada. She's still very healthy, a bit overweight but nothing concerning.

And then I see her mounting another girl today. I was shocked but then I remembered that I saw her do it a few months ago aswell but didn't think anything of it. My roo Diego broke it up asap and then jumped on Phoebe. It was a circus haha

She still lays eggs. I really can't explain it lol
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When the dormant, right-side gonad is switched on, it develops into a male sex organ, called an ovotestis. Scientists have found that an ovotestis will produce sperm. A sexually reversed hen with a “turn-on” ovotestis, will actually try to mate with the other hens in the flock.Jun 21, 2021
My oldest Easter Egger hen, which is my top hen is mounting the group she grew up with like a rooster. She leaves the others alone.

This just started about 2 weeks ago. She is grabbing the neck and then actually doing the rooster mating motion. Is this normal behavior? When I do see it happen, I pick her up off the hen she's mounting. It's only certain hens too. The first time I saw this, once she jumped off they both shook like they were fertilized.

This hen has either stopped laying or slowed down drastically. I have other hens with her egg color.

It's the strangest thing I've ever seen too. In the last 2.5-3 years of her life, she's never done this. I spend a great deal with my flock, so I know them pretty well down to their egg song and calls.
I thought I was going crazy when I saw mine doing the same thing. Even questioned if she was really a she when I know she’s a she !
I’m here cuz my top pecking order hen is doing some violent mating looking on this poor other girl. Always the same one. She’s not a rooster cus she has been laying for a year and now is coming out of a long ass two month molt.
I think the 5G towers are now turning the animals trans too. Ha jk… mostly

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