Top Three Most Friendly Breeds In Your Opinion


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2016
Ok so I'm going to be adding maybe 3 or so standard sized chickens to my bunch (they are all standards as well). I decided against bantams because they are not as cold hardy as I would like.

I'm looking for breeds that like to be picked up, follow you around, and aren't super skittish. Good family friendly chickens.

I considered Easter Eggers but they seem pretty skittish from what I have read. Amaracaunas I can't get because where I'm buying from buys from a hatchery.

So, any opinions out there?
Silkie, White Sussex and Silver Spangled Hamburgs are my top three

My Silkie Lily

My Silver Spangled Hamburg Curious and Kristin

I don't have any pics of our White Sussex's but I will try to get some
Ga Noi are pretty friendly, just like any large oriental game. And they are games, which means you can play games with them, like connect four. Barn cats, no worries.
My most docile breeds have been EE's, Sultans, and OEGB. The last breed, despite being a bantam, is tolerate of -20 weather... They are way more hardy than many give credit for.
However, since you don't want bantams- EE's, brahmas, and sultans would be some good choices. A note, EE's do require a little more work taming than the others, or at least the strain I got, but 5-10 minutes a day handling and just being near them, hand feeding, etc makes them very friendly and docile. My 5 EE's follow me around and will happily be picked up. Hope this helps! :D

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Do any of you have experience with blue laced red wyandottes? I just think they're gorgeous but the wyandotte I have now is the hardest to catch and the most skittish. I don't know if that's a breed characteristic or if that chicken didn't get as much lovings from the people who raised her. She also seems the most likely to peck at other chickens and seems territorial?
@mydogmolly, I also have a blue laced red, and she's pretty unfriendly.
It almost seems as Wyandottes are one those breeds that are either loving or hateful, because I've got a SLW, GLW, and BLRW, and only the Golden Laced is sweet. Wyandottes have a reputation of being rather rough bullies, though mine aren't.

Do any of you have experience with blue laced red wyandottes? I just think they're gorgeous but the wyandotte I have now is the hardest to catch and the most skittish. I don't know if that's a breed characteristic or if that chicken didn't get as much lovings from the people who raised her. She also seems the most likely to peck at other chickens and seems territorial?

I had two, but they were unfriendly and pretty much just eye candy. Wyandottes in general are usually regarded as flighty and unfriendly... There are exeptions though!

(OEGB stands for old english game bantam... The two chickens I have in my avatar are OEGB mutts)

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