Top Treats My Ducks Won't Eat


University of North Quackalina
10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
My Pekin ducks want nothing to do with peas. I can't believe this!
Just made some pasta each piece cut into 4 tiny squares, more than
I have made for any human this week. I couldn't wait to see how
excited they would get, but they literally each one turned their
backs on me!
peas? pasta?

Glad I'm not the only one with pea-hating ducks! I put a handful in their pool, and they would pick them up and spit them out. I figured they just needed some time, so an hour later I came back- no peas! I praised them lavishly, but when I went to clean the pool all the peas had sunk to the bottom.
each of my ducks likes completely different treats. One likes veggies the other likes protein snacks only. One gets peas or lettuce and the other gets eggs or beans. (Yes, eggs...gross I know). i've tried mixing them together but they will pick out the parts they like. Clever birds.
same of mine like different treats. Some like eggs, some don't....some would rather have bread....some would rather have noodles. I have to bring out like 3 or 4 differents kinds of treats just to get them all to their chicken counterparts, however, will eat anything that is: in my hand, on the ground, etc
I cleaned out my fridge yesterday...lettuce and cucumber was what I took out to my ducks..They have had lettuce before- but i didnt pull the leaves off- just left the whole lettuce to roll on the ground........ It was a sight. I had to stand and watch as they devoured the whole thing. The cucmber just sat there.... NO interest, until one sheepishly tried to move it around with his beak...then a nibble...and next thing I knew there were 11 ducks fighting to get their share of 4 pieces of cucumber.

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