Tough hatch, chick not doing great


6 Years
Aug 15, 2014
Yesterday one (and what's looking like the only) BCM chick hatched. I had to assist as it was a bit stuck in the egg. It was a shipped egg and the chick was upside down but kind of sideways and facing away from the air cell. It was doing ok for a little bit but the membrane was starting to dry out despite the vaseline and high humidity. Then I noticed its beak was a little stuck under the tip of its wing. It pushed itself out after I helped it a little but I'm worried it didn't totally absorb all the yolk. I left it in the incubator and didn't mess with it, it did not look like the yolk was still absorbing and the chick gave no signs but the egg shell looks like it might have had a little bit left. It also has curled toes which I'm attributing to its weird hatch position. It doesn't seem like it is doing too well: it doesn't want food or water. I gave it a couple drops of nutridrench to see if that would help. It cheeps a lot when I hold it but not as much when it's by itself. It's separated from our other chick right now because the other wanted to pick on it. I'm hoping that it will pull through.
I guess my question is, what are it's chances?
Did you have a salt tested humidity gauge in your bator?
Calibrated thermometers?

Can you take a short video of the chick and upload it to YouTube?
I won't be able to take a video, sorry. It's unsteady on its feet but I just put little "shoes" on it to help flatten its toes and that seemed to help its balance.
The humidity gauge and the thermometer were calibrated. I had another chick hatch out a couple days before and it went well. The other eggs that were shipped I think got put in a soccer game despite the excellent packaging.

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