Toxicity of Marijuana to Poultry

I am very interested in this as my vet just sort of gave the off comment that I can try cannabis for my aggressive gander but I do not want to poison him. At the moment I am giving him 3 drops of TCM oil which helps a little but not a lot. So I just want to make sure I do not poison him. So I gather just a small piece of the leave will not hurt? I am pretty desperate he is really very bad and I know it is breeding season her now, but he has been maltreated, without me knowing it beforehand, so now it is difficult. I am very cross with those people! I love my geese very much, they are my babies!
I am very interested in this as my vet just sort of gave the off comment that I can try cannabis for my aggressive gander but I do not want to poison him. At the moment I am giving him 3 drops of TCM oil which helps a little but not a lot. So I just want to make sure I do not poison him. So I gather just a small piece of the leave will not hurt? I am pretty desperate he is really very bad and I know it is breeding season her now, but he has been maltreated, without me knowing it beforehand, so now it is difficult. I am very cross with those people! I love my geese very much, they are my babies!
I meant CBD Oil
I'm looking for factual evidence regarding whether raw marijuana plant material consumption would be toxic to poultry, chickens, ducks, and geese in particular. While I assume there will be comical interjections to this thread, Please spare me the ethical arguments. I simply don't care to hear or debate over the ethics or legality issues. I'm seeking evidentiary information and personal experiences. I don't want my flocks to harm themselves, and I don't want my flocks to harm any investments IF I decide to go down the road of growing marijuana for personal medical use, or for legal commerce if the laws change.
I found one of my hens dead this am and my weed was spilled all over the patio. I am wondering if she died bc she ate the raw mj - she was not much more than 6 months old
Very interesting thread.
Raw Cannabis contains THCA NOT THC. It has to be heated to at least 215 degrees to decarboxylate the THCA into THC. Therefore unheated Cannabis is NON psychoactive.
I’m New to chickens. Sometimes I Will try to do a backyard breeding project (with herb) and will feed the leaves to the chickens and they love it. And when the males have finished pollinating the females I will tear down the males and let them eat flowers on them (which have small amounts of THCA) With that said I’ve never fed flower to themither Raw or cured. I’ve never fed trim either. I suspect they don’t like dry material.I’m also curious about this because I just collect the seeds and then toss the rest of the plant matter prior to having chickens. In vegetative state they seem to really like the leaves.

The decarboxylation statement is not completely true. Yes it does take over 200+ degrees to decarboxylate your marijuana based on which psychoactive components you’d like to enhance or make disappear. Overtime even at room temperature for sake of discussion 70-80 (I live in MMJ southern California) THCA and CBDA Will decarboxylate. The statement really belongs to the people who are making edibles and such that are looking for a strong psychoactive effect. I have collected Several several grams of dry sift Keif And placing them in clear capsules. I would actually put the un-carboxylated kief, about a 1/4 tsp in a smoothy as the THCA may help with inflammation/nausea/ and being good for your nervous system. One day I took a capsule that has been sitting for a while and I ended up getting effects (which I didn’t want). Also If you continue to chew raw Cannabis with your teeth for a certain amount of time the pressure of friction could decarboxylate the plant matter I believe this was something that was said by an expert by the name of Ed Rosenthal.

In dogs, They can eat raw plant material and actually get psychoactive effects. The question that is still posed - if chickens have the same Endo cannabinoid system or gastrointestinal tract that can make them high like dogs when eating raw plant material. It looks like my chicks have a lot of cockerels, Where in my city I’m not really allowed to have more than one. The plan has always been to process them and use them as meat if I had too many cockerels. I suppose I can find out the hard way. Put them on hospice and comfort them before they are processed. I know that sounds mean but if you guys really want to know…
Very true statement!
Soooo Wrong.

Ever heard of edibles?

I don't care what form the THC is in, but shake from a good plant has a strong effect and lasts a looong time when ingested. Don't ask me how I know - kinda obvious I guess.
Soooo Wrong.

Ever heard of edibles?

I don't care what form the THC is in, but shake from a good plant has a strong effect and lasts a looong time when ingested. Don't ask me how I know - kinda obvious I guess.
Most edible if made properly are decarb before they are made. Decarboxylation is the process of heating it to a certain temperature to release the THC from the THCA. Raw plants matter isn't going to effect you like that.

But yes I heard of edibles. I have no shame in anyone who smokes or eats forms of Marijuana. It help me get away from serious pain pills. Sooo I much rather manage pain with a plant, than something I'll be addicted to and do more damage in the long run taking.

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