Tractor Supply Red Pullets????

@coopmasterk, Lewes!! Awesome!! These chicks were actually purchased at a TSC in Pennsylvania. They are perfectly healthy and happy, whatever they are..its me that is a mess!! I dont want to screw up. Thank you guys!
Hey myjeangenie, don't worry, you'll do fine. Chickens are very hardy and have been domesticated for thousands of years. For now just keep them warm, keep food and clean water available, check for crooked toes, spraddle leg and pasting up. Correct any of those problems quickly and you should have smooth sailing until you put them outdoors. Not that going outdoors is a crisis but it does present a new set of variables and hazards to protect against and treat for. Do you have medicated chick starter ( feed ) ? The amprollium in medicated start n grow protects against coccidiosis once they are living outdoors.
Yes, I have the chick starter as well as an antibiotic I was given by a sweet fellow BYC owner I found while looking like a fool in the "chicken" isle :) I will look up crooked toes, spraddle leg, and pasting up. They seem very happy, and healthy at this point
We got our first chicks (ever) on saturday at TSC. We bought 8 Red Pullets and 2 bantams. 1 of the bantams passed away over night (just last night)... though up until last night had been very healthy :( We are going to pick up some more today (as we've decided we would like a slightly larger flock) We've got them in a brooder with a heat lamp in a spare bedroom; plus have a space heater on as our house is a little on the cooler side. I'm concerned for the health of our other chicks (yes, we're already attached to these little ones!) and want to make sure we're caring for them the best possible way! We have 2 waterers... one of plain water, and one with a probiotic/ electrolyte mix... they have medicated food at all times. From what we were told, they will be a week old this Thursday (3.6).I would like to start giving them treats; but am confused when they would need grit, where to get it, and how large it should be.

If anyone has any advice... please share!
I bought some at TSC yest too! I know the one with the brown stripes is a golden comet...the other brown/gold one is too prob. Not sure about the yellow ones!

Does anyone happen to know if the chicks from TCS are immunized? and for what? I forgot to ask....
They may be leftovers or culls but we are thrilled with the 5 we got last year, RIR pullets. They are super friendly and lay like champs. During the warmer months we get 4 to 5 day. This winter, even as cold as it got, we're still getting on average at least 3 per day. Even had a few days of 5 eggs.

Last year they were labeled by breed. Was surprised this year when we went in to get some feed that they are labeled simply as red pullets or black pullets.

If you are looking for birds of a specific breed to raise or to breed, then TSC is not the place for you. If you just want some good birds to raise for eggs or meat, then they are plenty good. As I said, we are thrilled with the birds we got last year and will probably be getting another batch as soon as the weather makes up its mind and I get a spot cleared out in the garage to set up the brooder.

A piece of advice for the OP . At alot of local feed/supply stores , each spring, they know people are getting chicken fever. To maximize profit and minimize cost they order, in bulk, the leftovers, -culls or extras that hatcheries have left over for a discount. TSC is notorious for this. They have long term contracts to buy the chicks hatcheries don't want and sell them to the public as high quality chicks at high quaility prices.

Sadly, this means alot of people go in looking for white rocks and come out with Cronish X Rocks, growth enhanced broilers who won't live to full maturity due to their size and how quickly they get there. However I could be wrong in your case, just watch for growth spurts and decline their feed intake, Usually hatchery White Rocks have smokey gray patches when they are that young

I also bought Tractor Supply red pullets.
im thinking RIR? Doesnt matter really. Just hoping for sweet birds that like to lay eggs! Good luck with yours!

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