Tractor Supply vs. order straight from hatchery

Do you have any other AG stores in the area? TSC ha a pretty good selection usually, and I’ve had good luck with Coastal. BUT, there is a smaller store near me called AG Supply that had an amazing variety last year. Heavy hitters, but also cool specialty breeds. And different breeds every week!

Check out some smaller stores and co-ops in your area. You may find a surprising variety of birds
We already have chickens and 3 are roosters. We would like to get some more as baby chicks. Would you recommend getting them from tractor supply or ordering straight from a hatchery. We are thinking about ordering from Mt healthy hatchery. We also were thinking about doing tractor supply but they do not vaccinate their chickens. Would you go for the hatchery since they vaccinate them? Even though you don’t get to pick them and some may die due to transit? We are only getting 10.
I've never ordered chicks from anyone who didn't vaccinate them against Mareks and never bought any chicks from Tractor Supply (as tempting as it is)
TSC could have some of those. I doubt they would have Ameraucana (it would be Americana which is actually an Easter Egger).
Ideal Poultry ($7 ship fee) and Mt Healthy ($10 ship fee) carry the rest of the breeds you mentioned besides Ameraucana. You could check TSC and if they don’t have a good variety, order 1-2 of each from one of the listed hatcheries. Ideal’s prices are lower than Mt Healthy just FYI. They both have Olive Eggers too if you want a green egg to go with your blue one!
TSC does sell ameraucauna but you might have to go to a further store here’s a link for breed specific locations
My experience with Tractor Supply - be careful. We bought "sexed Bard Rock & Astrolorpe(sp?)" hens as chicks from them - 15 total. We ended up with 8 roosters. When I mentioned this to the manager, he said, "yeah, occasionally the staff mixes up the S/R from the hen batches" and wasn't willing to compensate. From now on, I buy from a hatchery/breeder unless there is a really good deal going on. I've had great success with McMurray and Meyer. And I need to learn to sex chicks.
I ordered from Meyers Hatchery last April for an August 28th hatch date. They have Ameraucanas. I bought a Blue (BBS) Ameraucana hen and rooster pair from them. I bought a total of 10 different breeds. I'll list that I have.

For pullets I have:
1x Blue (BBS) Ameraucana
1x Buff Orpington
1x Cream Legbar
1x Rhode Island Red
1x Black Jersey Giant
1x Frizzled Easter Egger
2x Fibro Easter Eggers
2x Black Copper Marans
2x Buff Brahmas
2x Cookies & Cream
And my cockerel is a Blue (BBS) Ameraucana.

I ordered a second Frizzled Easter Egger. But that one was born with a deformity, failed to thrive, and passed away at 6 weeks. Other than that, I have to say I'm very happy with the birds I received. And we just started getting eggs for the past 3 weeks now. Not all are laying yet. But I'm getting at least a dozen every 2 days already.
I ordered from Meyers Hatchery last April for an August 28th hatch date. They have Ameraucanas. I bought a Blue (BBS) Ameraucana hen and rooster pair from them. I bought a total of 10 different breeds. I'll list that I have.

For pullets I have:
1x Blue (BBS) Ameraucana
1x Buff Orpington
1x Cream Legbar
1x Rhode Island Red
1x Black Jersey Giant
1x Frizzled Easter Egger
2x Fibro Easter Eggers
2x Black Copper Marans
2x Buff Brahmas
2x Cookies & Cream
And my cockerel is a Blue (BBS) Ameraucana.

I ordered a second Frizzled Easter Egger. But that one was born with a deformity, failed to thrive, and passed away at 6 weeks. Other than that, I have to say I'm very happy with the birds I received. And we just started getting eggs for the past 3 weeks now. Not all are laying yet. But I'm getting at least a dozen every 2 days already.
We ended up ordering from Meyer and have been so happy with them!

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