Trader Joe's fertile eggs

It's been 22 days since my first hatch attempt went bad, but this time I have 14 healthy White Leghorn chicks and about 4 more left to hatch. I placed a total of 3 doz eggs in the bator, 8 were yolkers and 4 were quiters on about day 5, and 2 eggs were cracked. On lockdown I got rid of those guys. Everyone else was doing great, moving around and everything. Out of the remaining 22 eggs I believe we have lost 4, but I'm not giving up hope just yet. There is no way we need that many chicks, as we already have 9 other mature chickens, so if anyone wants any we are in Vegas and selling them for 5 dollars. I'm so eggcited, they are adorable.
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This was the first chick, born on day 19 we named it Uno because he was the first to hatch.
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Anyone have fertile eggs they will give away for free and ship for free?

I'm not sure if people will want to pay to give you eggs (they would have to pay $12+ to ship them). However, like this tread mentioned, you can get eggs from your local healthy-food-store. The eggs will likely be fertile and cost no more than 5$...

BUT when hatching eggs, there is no real way to get off paying no money, even if someone gives you free eggs... you will have to spend money for the 'bator, chick feed, substrate for the chicks, brooder, feeder, waterer, lamp, electric, water, etc. all & all hatching eggs and raising chicks is not cheap. It is very fun (...and addictive) though...

Good luck with your hatching journey!

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