Training a young horse... correctly?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 26, 2011
So my barn recently bought a young almost 3 year old Filly named Another Happy Day, or "Lyla". Here she is (A little while ago)!

So anyway, we want to train her to be a H/J horse. I'm the main one training her, with help of course, but I'm not to sure about what I'm doing. We already have a great walk/trot going, and okay canter. I've lead her over small cross rails, and she jumps them quite nicely. Her canter is not to shabby, but not really close to the level we'd like it. I'm doing this all with knowledge gleaned from books and from teaching my own hunter pony flying lead changes, sidepassing, etc. Any help would be great!
Keep the lessons short at first. Young horses do not have a long attention span. Repeat the same tasks over and over.If she messes up, move on, and end on a good note. Sometimes they will have bad days where nothing sinks in. Other days they will do everything right and you will be tempted to try something new. Don't set the horse up for failure. Help her to be successful by not trying too much at once.
This is how I trained my gelding. He is a great horse to this day.
If you go to Dressage Extensions, not sure of the exact URL, but they are a clothing/tack/horse catalog and in there they have training videos. I'm thinking you would like Ingrid Klimke's series of training the young horse. A good, solid foundation is very important. I would try to achieve pure gaits before really asking for anything more. And with her being almost 3, I wouldn't push her too hard physically or mentally.

She sounds like a really wonderful mare, congratulations and I wish you well.
I used to have horses and helped my mother learn how to ride. The best thing is short lesons and end on a good note even if its small. If she gets frustrated with you then just move on to something else then come back. Dressage I have found to be a great base for the horse and new rider. With her being so young she has to learn her new rider and learn to trust you as well.

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