Training to nipple waterers?

I made 2 buckets with new nipple waterers (I caulked inside and out, used teflon tape on threads and drilled out holes by directions and let marine caulk cure 24 hour befor adding water but, 1st bucket has one nipple that leaks at edge, 2nd has one bad nipple was fine until they started to really use it, then istarted dripping continually
. I will replace bad nipple on 2nd bucket and recaulk 1st and hope they wont leak.

The good news is my chickens really took to it with no prev. experience or training. I hung bucket so, nipples where at eye height and they figured it out very quickly.

I plan to use one bucket in run. I will move it into coop for winter and heat with a birdbath heater.

Good luck with your nipple waterer
Yes, you need to get one to start pecking at it. Once one gets it, the rest will follow. Also, the color of the nipples for some reason raises their curiousity and they go pecking at it themselves. I was nervous at first too, I left their regular waterer out until I saw the water level go down in the bucket, then I removed their old waterer. It took maybe a day or so and they were good to go.
I tapped on the nipple and they were attracted to the noise, once one figured it out it became a game and competition! They seem entertained by the thing. I'm trying to figure out how to warm a pvc pipe with them spaced out, in the winter. Maybe a gutter heat cable? Looking for ideas.
I'm not sure how big your PVC system is or if you feed it from a bucket. If you can somehow get a submersible fish tank heater into the water it will heat that water to 70 degrees or higher, depending on your settings and the wattage of the heater. That may be enough to keep the water in the PVC and the nipples from freezing so long as it's not exposed to major cold winds.
I removed a water bowl from my 5 week olds brooder last night and put in a
med sized rodent water bottle. As soon as I put it in one ran right over to investigate. I squeezed the bottle
so a drop formed and she was all over it. Checked it this morning and the water level had gone down without any spillage.

I guess they are a little smarter than I originally gave them credit for.
I put out the water today and will see how it goes, but it sounds like the birds will firgure it out pretty quick.

As far as heating in the winter, I was planning on getting some of the heated pipe wrap that is used for keeping home water pipes from freezing.
they're going to check it out on their own, especially since most of them are red. i have read that chickens are attracted to red, like turkeys are attracted to shiny.

if i throw anything new in with my guys/girls, they'll figure it out or break it trying
Yea I also got tired of my girls tipping the traditional waterer over and getting pine shavings in it ( They're both about 3 months and still in their carriers until their new coop arrives). I hooked up a large rabbit water bottle to the carrier and they caught on in no time and it definitely cuts down on the mess and spillage.

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