Transfer to new home, help

Here is a newsletter with an article about travel. Here is the travel water holder I use. I start with a heavy Pyrex flat-bottomed, straight-sided bowl and a plastic food storage container with a hole cut out of the center of the lid. The plastic container fits snugly in the heavier Pyrex. This avoids splashing and spilling. And sometimes accidents happen anyway, so that's what plastic bags and towels underneath the waterer are for. And a big bottle of fresh water for refills. I would also have a backup plan in case of unexpected travel delays - ice in a cooler, extra food and water for everybody, and most of all a plan.
Thank you, I just don't want her to take them and they end up dying from stress, she has a huge pond and yard that they would be so much happier at, but I gotta find a way to get them there :) ;-)
When I was visiting my uncle in Rochester, MA, my cousin Edgar was selling ducks for $5 each. Some clown showed up and bought four. He put them in his freaking car trunk in a box we provided, a well ventilated lobster pot, on a hot summer day. Idiot. Needless to say, he called later and said they had all died! Don't know how far he drove, nor if they were left for how knows long in a freaking trunk in the summer water, no fresh air. Heartbreaking. Nice ducks, all Mallards. And he wanted his money back....if he knew my cousin, that would have been the last thing I would have done...Needless to say, he never showed up requesting the said funds. I would have shelled out the $20 bucks if I could have and left them back at our place. They are very sensitive to heat...that's why they swim, I guess. Be careful who you sell to, there are morons everywhere.
When I was visiting my uncle in Rochester, MA, my cousin Edgar was selling ducks for $5 each. Some clown showed up and bought four. He put them in his freaking car trunk in a box we provided, a well ventilated lobster pot, on a hot summer day. Idiot. Needless to say, he called later and said they had all died! Don't know how far he drove, nor if they were left for how knows long in a freaking trunk in the summer water, no fresh air. Heartbreaking. Nice ducks, all Mallards. And he wanted his money back....if he knew my cousin, that would have been the last thing I would have done...Needless to say, he never showed up requesting the said funds. I would have shelled out the $20 bucks if I could have and left them back at our place. They are very sensitive to heat...that's why they swim, I guess. Be careful who you sell to, there are morons everywhere.

It's my aunt who is gonna take them :) so I know they are gonna be taken care of

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