Transitioning chicks to the rest of the flock


8 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Boise, Idaho
I have 6 chickens (Barred Rock) that are three years old and 6 new chickens (Black Sex Link) that right now are 10 weeks old. I have them separated by a fence, and they have separate doors to the coop and separate roosts. They don't have the same area yet, but I've read that I should put them together at 12 weeks and at 15 weeks they should no longer have their own area - they should roost in the main coop with the other chickens.

My question is, what do I do about the feed? They are getting Purina chick starter now, but if I begin to integrate them at 12 weeks, they'll have access to the regular Purina Layena, and will probably eat that. The advice on integrating them isn't meshing up with your advice for 18 weeks moving them from chick starter to Layena. I wrote to Purina and they don't recommend integrating chicks in with the flock at all until 18 weeks, when they start on the regular feed. But on BYC I've seen several times to begin to integrate at 12 weeks but have them still roost separately and make sure they have safe places to go that the other hens can't get to.

What do you say?
I have 12 laying hens and 5 younger pullets that are still on starter/grower feed. I have a large divided coop with a divided run so they have their own area inside and outside. They can see each other, but can't get to each other and have separate food. I did a lot of reading about merging them before I got the younger ones. Theres tons of opinions out there on the process. I read a bunch and came up with a plan that should provide a high probability of safe merging (nothing is guaranteed). My plan is to merge them once the following conditions are met: They are closer to the same size as the older birds (for safety reasons), the younger ones are old enough to eat layers food, and the younger ones stop making baby chick "cheep cheep" sounds and start sounding more like older chickens. Then they should be able to merge, figure out a pecking order and live happily ever after.
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