
5 Years
May 29, 2019
Hi all! I've read a lot of conflicting information on when to switch chicks from a medicated starter to an unmedicated starter/grower. Our chickens are currently 11 weeks old, and have been on Manna Pro's medicated starter from the beginning. We put them in their outdoor coop/run at 4 weeks (so they've been outside on medicated feed for about 7 weeks). So far they've been very healthy and happy.

We've just switched them over to a non-medicated, organic feed--Nature's Best Starter/Grower--and I'm having anxiety about whether this might have been to soon. We're currently mixing it in with their medicated feed until it's gone, which will only be a few days. Is that too quick a transition? Should I get another bag of medicated feed, or purchase Corid to use as a preventative?

Thank you in advance for your help!
Definitely ready to be on an unmediated Grower feed. I switch at 6 weeks..
Definitely ready to be on an unmediated Grower feed. I switch at 6 weeks..
Thanks. It gets confusing because aside from the amprolium, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two starter/grower formula's nutritional breakdowns. So I was reluctant to change it at the expense of making them more vulnerable to cocci. Good to hear from others on timeline--helps put my newbie mind at ease (thanks again!).

Thanks. It gets confusing because aside from the amprolium, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two starter/grower formula's nutritional breakdowns. So I was reluctant to change it at the expense of making them more vulnerable to cocci. Good to hear from others on timeline--helps put my newbie mind at ease (thanks again!).
The next stage of feed from starter Grower is Grower finisher feed and they can remain on that all their lives. Once layers you supply Oyster shell in a separate dish.

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