transitions turkeys together


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
so long story short
Ordered turkeys this year broad breasted white... they sent some sick ones out of 10 only 4 are left 1 tom and 3 hens... they are about maybe 3 month old give or take and are around the size of my chickens....

hatchery sent some replacements but... almost a month later... but they sent broad breasted bronze.... so they sent a few more white ones... the younger ones I'm not sure of the sex and they are about half the size of the older white ones...

I built a coop and run just for them and put the older ones in, but am wondering if it would be a bad idea to put the smaller ones in too... I know chickens are bad at attacking smaller birds if to big... but would it be bad to put the other in with them??
so long story short
Ordered turkeys this year broad breasted white... they sent some sick ones out of 10 only 4 are left 1 tom and 3 hens... they are about maybe 3 month old give or take and are around the size of my chickens....

hatchery sent some replacements but... almost a month later... but they sent broad breasted bronze.... so they sent a few more white ones... the younger ones I'm not sure of the sex and they are about half the size of the older white ones...

I built a coop and run just for them and put the older ones in, but am wondering if it would be a bad idea to put the smaller ones in too... I know chickens are bad at attacking smaller birds if to big... but would it be bad to put the other in with them??
You can try putting them together. Just be sure to do it when you have time to observe them and separate them if needed. The broad breasted turkeys tend to be more mellow than other varieties but even they have their pecking order to sort out.

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