trapping and disposing

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In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 3, 2007
what do we all use for trapping the pests that seem to find there way to our coops and how do we dispose of them.
lately ive been releasing the pests across the river. also what is the total of what youve cought.
It is generally illegal to transport trapped wildlife. It's also darn rude to the person you dump them on. I know I've never appreciated someone bringing raccoons onto my farm.

Generally, shooting the animal is best. A skull shot in the center of the X you get when you draw two lines, one from each eye across to the other sides ear.
Couldn't agree more! I've shot all my pests.

11 coons
1 fox
1 possum
1 skunk (that was a nightmare)
1 Ferral cat

Disposing became a problem after about coon #5. I was just throwing them in the woods as far as i could on each side of the house. Then my yard started smelling like a dead animal. Then I took advice from an old fisherman. Put the DEAD animal in a trash bag, put him in the deep freezer until trash day, then put it out with the trash. It won't thaw until after the trash comes. No smell, no mess.

BTW... that was over a period of 1 1/2 months.
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Transporting a critter is not "dumping them on someone else"...especially if no one else around has chickens. Besides, no one said to take them and release the thing in front of someone elses home/property. Everything has a purpose. People seem to think that theirs is to rid themselves of anything they don't like because it bothers them...permanently. What're we going to do when the world gets so crowded that there's no such thing as being allowed to have more than a half an acre for home and property? Start offing the neighbors who 'crowd' us?

Drowning a critter is just wrong. It's slow and extremely painful. A very' hammer to the head is better than drowning.

As for once the thing is dead, if you have vultures, throw the carcass in the middle of an empty field for them (or just anywhere in an open area where they can spot it easily from aloft). It'll get cleaned up in no time and no worry about smell. If you don't have many vultures, then the freezing idea sounds like a darn good one!
I have a live trap that I use. For bait I use a piece of scrap meat. You can use other bait, depending on what your trapping. Once you've caught them, get a gun and shoot it. Drowning, gassing or beating to death is slow, painful and wrong.
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