Trauma and egg production


9 Years
May 9, 2010
Cabot, AR
I have a 6 month old SLW pullet who survived a dog attack about 3 1/2 weeks ago. She laid 2 eggs in the first 3 days after the attack but none since. Do I need to worry about her becoming egg bound or is this normal behavior after the extreme trauma she went through? She doesnt seem to have any internal injuries but one of her wings was dislocated or broke. She gets around well and eats, poops, etc like normal but isn't back to normal behavior yet, still seems sore, etc. Thanks for any opinions...
From everything I have read, I think that this is not outside the realm of trauma response. I would imagine that she will start laying soon. She also may be "waiting" for her wing to fully heal. That takes a lot of energy in itself, I would imagine!

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