
In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2023
It was only a matter of time... this flock of 16 is growing- by 100!

I'm definitely overthinking this lol- but would bringing 100 chicks (50 4-5 weeks, and 50 2-3 weeks) boxed up and packed into the bed of a pick up truck cause too much stress? The drive from the hatchery is only about 20-30 minutes. Yes, I know it's wild I'm asking this over such a short drive.

I've transported chickens on 3 separate occasions all varying age, quantity and duration- they were able to be placed safely in the backseat.
Do I just toss a blanket to strap over all the boxes to limit the draft? Make sure to backseat drive my husband every time we round a corner too hard, speed up/down suddenly, or hit a bump? Should I stop worrying about it as chickens are transported in worse conditions and live to lay another egg?
We don't have a canopy for the truck either, but our other one with a shorter bed has a tonneau cover...

Idk I look forward to yall roasting / humbling me 😭😂
Can you not put them in the backseat?

Either way they will be fine.
...would bringing 100 chicks (50 4-5 weeks, and 50 2-3 weeks) boxed up and packed into the bed of a pick up truck cause too much stress? The drive from the hatchery is only about 20-30 minutes.
The weather will probably make a big difference.

If you are transporting those chicks in a snowstorm or through heavy rain, it will probably not go well. I would probably make two trips in that situation, or put them in the backseat and the passenger's seat and if someone is in the passenger seat maybe put chicks on their lap, and/or try to stack them differently in the backseat.

I would also expect problems if the weather is extremely hot.

But for moderate temperatures that are not wet, I would guess the chicks will make the trip safely.

The drive from the hatchery is only about 20-30 minutes.
The back seat will be juuuust to small for all of them 🙃
If you are really worried, just make two trips. That way they could all ride in the back seat.

If most of them can ride in the back seat, you could also make one trip with most in the back seat and the last few in the bed (properly strapped down, of course.)

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