Treadle Feeders??

No, I don't think you're being crazy.
I wondered about that at first too. The chickens learn pretty quickly how to open the lid without being hit by it on the way up or down.
I was going to purchase one because of food loss from ground squirrels. I read that they are dangerous for small chicks and since I seem to constantly have a hen running around with a baby or two I decided against it. Anyone else use one in an area where chicks have access?
Thanks for all those great responses. The sparrows and doves are still wreaking havoc as we speak so I better do something quick. Thanks for the tip gryeyes, I will check e-bay for that may be a more economical option. As for the chicken hitting her head on the lid, I've watched several videos of chickens using the treadle and that doesn't seem to be a problem. Thanks again peeps!
Build it.

I built mine from left over wood using the ideas i found on this site for a few bucks, not as polished as the others but it holds about 25lbs of feed and works great. I had to build one because local birds were eating all of my organic feed and were hurting my pocket book. I trained them over the course of about 2 weeks. Word to the wise: be sure that if you build it from wood you are careful of where you place it. If it is exposed to water, it may swell and not open or stay open (depending on the materials you use). I basically used the "treadle design theory" and customized my own to suit my needs. My satisfaction comes from being able to show others what i created and pass that knowledge forward. Email me if you need any help.

At the moment, I am actually a bit clueless- like my chicken. I bought a treadle feeder 5 weeks ago, only got 4 chicken but hundreds of pigeons visit all day. We followed the procedure how to train the chooks (Aussie slang) but they don't get it! I even tried letting them go hungry but I feel terrible doing this and they quit laying (except for 1). Now, after 5 weeks, I opened it permanently again to start all over, which means I'm also feeding the pigeons again. If I open it, they come and stand on the tread but once they leave, that's it, they won't go there by themselves. I also really need this feeder as I am often 2 - 5 days away and my neighbours provide water but it would make it easier. Has anyone any ideas for this chook?

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