Treat Idea - Pics included!


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Okay, so really.. I'm not the first who has thought of this, but lettuce was on blowout this weekend, and I went nuts. I bought 18 of them. Crazy? The chickens don't think so!
Okay, so what I did was put a screw through the hard part of the lettuce, tied it to a scarf (I couldn't find anything better! :p) and hung it from a rope that runs across my barn. They went crazy! It got them moving around, and was entertaining to watch. Also, can you see what's wrong in this picture? HINT: Forgot to put the top back on the garbage can (which holds the food). :rolleyes:
My spoiled hens reject all salad greens - I am printing out your photo and showing it to them tomorrow!!
Mine will eat lettuce only as a last resort and will not touch celery. They love kale and turnip greens.

One of my girls completely wiped out on the ice today trying to get to my friend fast enough when she spotted the lettuce he was carrying. No worries. Her back-end is still intact :gig
I have a raised mini veggie patch, which I planted loads of lettuce from seedlings and have given me months of lettuce leaves to give my 2 chickens and duck.
Only moments ago... I caught Xena up on the raised veggie patch. She has just realised she can get up and help herself instead of waiting for me to get lettuce for her!
She wont be able to get much, it was 38 degree C here and the veggies have dried and died.
But she such a pickle.

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