Treating Bumblefoot in the Summer


5 Years
May 29, 2019
My 13 month old GLW has always battled recurring bumblefoot. She frequently has 1-2 booties on at any given time in the year. This past winter, she had a double bumble situation that came and went but never fully resolved. Unfortunately this means she's still getting the boots now that temps are rising into the 80s. Will this make her more susceptible to heat stroke? If so, what are my alternatives? It's not severe enough to isolate her (she is active and gets around fine + is easily stressed when away from others). But she also tends to be one of first chickens to show signs of heat stress when it starts warming up (wings out, panting). Any ideas are much appreciated!

P.S. she has also started intermittently laying soft shelled eggs from the roost at night. When she lays normal eggs they sound like porcelain when tapped and have excess calcium on them. Last night she layed one after we took her in due to the heat, and I don't know if the stress of that caused it or if something is brewing. Maybe she's sick of the boots. Beyond this she is bright, hungry, and happy.


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