Treating eye infection

no the secondary symptoms,runny noses and eyes,should go away,but if theres infection in the eyes then you still may have to use the terramycin.if this is respitory,please close your flock and dont let any birds leave your dont want to give this problem to someone else..ive been dealing with it for about a year now and have only had to treat 3 individual birds,so for me it hasnt been a big deal.
if it is respiratory and you keep them you can never sell birds or hatching eggs or else you will infect someone elses flock
I killed the three showing symptoms. The other three dont show any but lived close with the other birds. Should I kill them too?
are these birds pets or are you planning on breeding and selling? my birds are pets so i dont cull unless they are suffering.the only way to confirm its respitory is to have a necropsy done on one of can google search how to get a necropsy.if it is resp. then most likely the others are infected,but they may never show any signs.
are these birds pets or are you planning on breeding and selling? my birds are pets so i dont cull unless they are suffering.the only way to confirm its respitory is to have a necropsy done on one of can google search how to get a necropsy.if it is resp. then most likely the others are infected,but they may never show any signs.

No I had 5 birds I bought from a bird show 10 days ago. I have 25 other birds that are not mixed with these birds. I kept the 5 separate for quarantine since they where new. And Im glad I did, one of them had coccidiosis. I treated them but then noticed the eye problem with 3 of them. The other 2 are adults and look healthy. I killed the 3 sick ones and cleaned the area. I have 2 adults remaining. Im going to keep them in quarantine for a month.

Yes I wanted to sell the newly hatched chicks from my flock. So thats why I killed the 3 and leaving the other 2 separate from my flock.
well from what ive learned if they were housed together then they have been exposed and even if they are not showing symptoms you should still treat them like they have that has to be your i said mine are pets so i just treat when needed and dont let any birds leave my property unless i hatch in a bator and keep the chicks away from the other birds..
It is transmitted by shedding, most likely drinking water. As far as carriers you will find with research that almost all backyard flocks are exposed, and even hatchery birds. It is common in wild birds so even if the birds are clean initially they may become infected later. Water sources should be treated with either vinegar or a chlorine stock solution to kill bacteria of wild birds that may drink from the water, or shedding fowl on site. This sorta like controlling any virus by removing the chances of reinfection or passing it will limit problems.

I have not had much of problem with it, but I do treat my water twice a day. Occasionally I do get a bird with a eye swollen from skirmishes within the flock. It clears up within one day with the use of neosporin. You should also be vigilant for worms as they weaken a bird and allow them to succumb to illness.

As far as the infected birds with apparent symptoms you can either cull or isolate them until the symptoms disappear.

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