Treating injured chick


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Kitsap, WA
Found my chick this morning just laying like this. 4 wks.old. This injury on the side of her chest is scabbed up, nothing vital is there. Moves with her skin. I have her inside, giving her B vitamins and sugar water which she is drinking. How would you feed her. She seems unable to stand up, even though she can put pressure on her legs. Could she be in shock? Not sure how she got injured.
Do you have any idea what happened? Is there a rooster who hurt her, or could she have been injured by a predator? I would clean the wound with chlorhexidene and apply plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. Try to see if it is deep. You may want to make her a chicken sling chair or a nest to get her upright and in front of food and water. Separate her from others but she could remain in the coop within a dog crate. Here is a good link for chickens slings:
She is only with chick mates, but I have a feeling she may have crashed into the edge of a concrete weight during her flight trials. Could I just leave the scab the way it is? It's not bleeding. Seems like she also has a hematoma under her skin. I have her inside while I can nurse her. She pooped, and just wants to sleep.
She needs to be offered water and food. Dip her beak into water, and mix a little moist chicken feed and water. Hold it up to her. I would at least apply some antibiotic ointment to the wound to keep it moist. Is she still not able to stand? She could be in shock. Electrolytes or sugar water can help to revive her.
She is taking Vitamin B sugar water quite well with an eye dropper. I'll make up some mash with egg yolk. Thank you for your advice. She may have been dehydrated, since she couldn't get to the water and food. I'll work on a sling if she can't stand, and put ointment on her. She tried to get upright, for a second.
She ate a little, but is still very sleepy. I have her cozied and propped up. Her head is tucked in.


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