Treating with Corrid and STILL seeing blood


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 31, 2012
Last Thursday we lost our family favorite chicken to cocci. On Wednesday she was acting lethargic and I found stools with huge gobs of blood (this was the first sign we noticed and we spend a fair amount of time with them). We treated the whole flock with corrid. The next morning she had past
and another chicken was looking really rough. We have force "feed" the second sick chicken the medicated water every few hours since then. She kept looking better then she would start to look rough again after a few hours (she was only isolated the first day since the whole flock was being treated). Today she is finally looking close to back to normal. Her tail is most of the way up and she is running around. Everybody looks normal, although we haven't gotten one egg in two days (not that we would eat them right now anyways). I was doing my farm chores tonight and noticed a poop that had blood in it. It wasn't goobs of dark blood like the chicken who passed, it was a little (although enough to notice it from a distance) and lighter in color. We are on day 3 of treatment and with only 2 days to go I am concerned that I am still seeing blood. Can the corrid cause blood? I am sure you have all seen the post that shows all the different chicken poops and what they mean... well this one looked like the one that said it was shedding it's lining..

So far I have cleaned and bleached out the coop (on Thursday) and we added sand to the floor of our run to help combat moisture (it has been a very hot, humid, wet summer here).

By the way they are all a little over a year old.
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No. I've been avoiding deworming them because we try to be as natural as possible and it seems like blood is always associated with cocci. We have had a REALLY hard time keeping the coop dry in the last month. It has rained pretty much everyday.
Maybe the one with the blood in the stools recently was later in getting infected. You can extend treatment to 7 days. Some will repeat the treatment in 2 weeksafter stopping Corid. Different vets recommend different treatments.
A friend of mine just lost her year old peacock to cocci... It also had worms, which probably weakened the immune system and allowed to cocci to take hold.

I haven't seen any worms in their stool... and believe me I have been looking. Should I deworm them too? Can their systems handle being dewormed AND on corrid? I would hate to do that to them when they are otherwise acting normal.
She didn't see any worms either, the vet did a fecal and found the eggs and coccidia, but by then it was too late, he died the next day. I have one that I'm treating with Corid and Fenbendazole because I found blood in her stools, so she's on the five day worming and Corid treatment plan and I've seen no side effects other than no more blood. :)

I had one of those fast killing Cocci. Lost 3 with no symptoms the day before. I use Corrid, 7 days. They can also get necrotic enteritis, which can be from cocci or from bacteria, so I think about using Sulfadimethoxine because it's an antibiotic as well.
I had one of those fast killing Cocci. Lost 3 with no symptoms the day before. I use Corrid, 7 days. They can also get necrotic enteritis, which can be from cocci or from bacteria, so I think about using Sulfadimethoxine because it's an antibiotic as well.
seminolewind, I am going to start my 6 week chicks on corrid in the morning, am interested in hearing more about the Sulfadimethoxine and can tetracycline work instead? I was told not to treat with both at the same time, so any info on how you are doing this would be grately appreciated! Thanks! Oh and what is necrotic enteritis, a disease or parasite? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
Sulfadimethoxine kills cocci as well as killing some bacteria that can cause necrotic enteritis. Necrotic enteritis can be a cocci or a bacteria, and Corrid works on cocci. I would not use 2 of any meds except Corrid and Tylan can be used together. But Tylan is basically for respiratory issues.

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