Treatment advice? Leg paralysis, 5 days.


Jan 28, 2016
Cathlamet, WA
We have a young hen, about 9 months old who seemed slow & lethargic about 5 days ago so we separated her from the flock. At first she was able to stand on her own, now she is off balance & seems unable to use her legs, especially her right leg.
She is alert, eating & drinking on her own. Her poop is mostly white & mushy, sticking to her feathers (maybe because she is unable to stand).
Any advice would be helpful & appreciated! Thanks :)
Can she move her toes when you touch them? Do you know if she was vaccinated for Mareks disease as a chick? Dehydration or being kept from food, and coccidiosis can cause symptoms that resemble Mareks disease. I would make sure that she is drinking electrolyte water with vitamins, along with her usual feed. You can google chicken slings, and place her in one to help keep her clean and able to reach her food and water while she is ill. I really hope it is just something temporary, and not Mareks, and only time and observation will tell.
Tjank you for responding! I had never heard of Mareks disease until now. She's never had any vaccination. Our chickens are all 100% free range & are given layer pellets & scratch. Since being separated she's had pellets & water with vitamins added. I have given her water with an eye dropper & have seen her drinking herself.
Her toes do not seem responsive to me moving or touching them. Her legs and toes are fully extended.
I'll look up the chicken sling now.
What happened to your hen? I have a D'Uccle that has both legs paralyzed. This is the second D'Uccle I've had this problem with. I'm trying to decide whether to cull and get a necropsy done or try to nurse her thru this.
She eventually died. I nursed her for about 2 weeks. Then one morning she was dead. If you get a necropsy I'd be curious to hear the results.
I'm sorry about your girl too. Yes, it seems to be a part of raising chickens. I try to remember that when investing my emotions but for some reason they take more than I plan on giving.

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