Treats for 3 week old chicks?


7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Southeastern, Ohio
Does anyone know of any safe and healthy treats that I can start giving to my 3 week old chicks? As part of my socializing attempt, I want to make them happier to see me when I put my hand in the brooding box. They seem to be slowing down on taking chick starter from my hand.
Chicks have a stage they go through when they scatter and holler when you approach. It will pass. As long as your chicks have access to grit, you'll find they enjoy mashed boiled eggs, shredded cheese, and soft meats (chicken, turkey, beef) but don't cut it up so much as just let them do their thing where they bite into it and rip it off. Many folks will disagree with me but those that have had hens hatch and raise their own chicks, they are eating all kinds of things by 2 days old. My 2 week olds went bonkers over mashed boiled eggs last night.
Here is the link to the treat chart here on BYC.

Don't forget the grit when feeding treats.

Have fun
You can give both at the same time. I keep grit available at all times.

Just keep an eye on them the first couple days when the grit is available. they could take too much grit thinking it is a treat.

They will know how much grit they need to have.
Since grit got brought up, doesn't start-n-grow have grit in it?

This Is how I see store bought feed. It is like human baby food. When it gets wet it will slide down without problem.

I do not feed store bought feed. I feed mine whole grain feed recipe.

So anything fed to your chickens other than store bought feed, they will need the correct sized grit available.

The gizzard is a muscle. It will need time to develop. It will need to grind all the treats/grains you give your chickens.

Start slow with treats and you should be fine.
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chopped up boiled or scrambled egg is a fantastic treat for young chicks and doesn't require grit. I usually start my chicks on mashed up boiled yolk at a week old. By 3 weeks, we've added some grit and other stuff like oatmeal, yogurt and tiny live mealworms. They usually turn their beaks up at anything new until someone finally gets the nerve to try it, then they all eat it.
Hi, I used to give mine cheese, banana, lettuce, brown bread, but I think that was when they were around 7 weeks old though
Boiled egg and carrots in a food processor and they go crazy for it! Also yogurt is always a big hit, I put some apple bits and oatmeal in it and make a mash and you will have happy chicks and the mash will be flying!

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