

12 Years
Apr 28, 2007
ive been feeding my chicks oats, watermelon and cheese, but i would like them to have more than that. Can anyone give me a list of the treats that i can give them? that would be very appreciated!
Mixed fruit - banana's strawberrys... ETC but no acidic fruit, Bugs "no bees or scorpions" I also feed mine fish scales off of my salmon. Make sure there is very little salt or no salt
Mine get whatever comes from the garden...tomatos, cucumbers,watermelon, lettuce, cantelope...they love it all. Also, if I have an excess of eggs, I boil some and give them back to them. smashed of course, shells and all!( they dont get too many of those right now I have waiting customers) They like canned veggies as well...peas,carrotts,green beans. They love grapes, I always cut them in half. Pretty much anything...offer it...see what they like!
I saw one of my roo's eat a small wood scorpion once, had no ill effects that I saw, and yesturday I saw one of my pullets catch and eat a yellow jacket.

What effect is it supossed to have on them?
We mixed cream of wheat, play sand and a little water. They love it!!!!

Also I have a bunch of rice samples. I cook a package and give it to my polish chickens. They LOVE it!!!

I have a rooster that keeps getting out and getting into my garden and he LOVES my tomatoes!!! I am getting upset with him.

They also love an ear of corn too.

It's SOOO funny to give them crickets.

I saw one of my 7-week-old Dominiques catch a wasp and run around while the others chased her. I kept thinking one would get stung. If they did, it didn't seem to bother them. The wasp lasted about 45 seconds. Several got pieces of it.
cleaning out in the garden and dug out a 6 in head of cabbage. I took it to the birds and smashed it will a shovel so they could tear it up. 11 birds ... last 15 min

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